Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thlog #2

So  with septa being on strike last week, I had a hard time making it to school. I felt like I was so far behind because I was sure that I missed a whole lot. When I came back Zack informed me that I was little behind but I could definitely catch. On Wednesday we talked a lot about hedging. This concepts always made sense to me because I feel like making huge generalizations sometimes does not make sense because it isn’t accurate. I hope that I can fully apply this concept to my WP2. I try to incorporate every new writing thingy (lol) that I learn to all recent assignments that i have been giving. On wednesday we also talked about PB2A which i was eternally greatful for. Being as though I missed a few classes I took that time to absorb everything that was said and noted about this assignment. Also I’m happy that a fair amount of my classmates did theirs on time because I got a chance to read over theirs and get an even better understanding of what was expected.. Also I like the fact that I can look back at the lesson plan when I’m at home because I feel like everything that I missed and is going to be there. Or even if I didnt miss class that day, if forgot to take notes on something we talked about, I can find it in the lesson plan. The fact that the second half appears to be slower paced than the first relieves me. But I have no doubt that I will have just as much trouble, if not more, trying to write WP2.

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