Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thlog #1

So unfortunately this is my very first thlog. But I just wanted to talk about how challenging I thought Wp1 was. I had a hard time trying to figure out how I was going to format my paper and things like that. The thing that helped me the most with this paper was the highlighting exercise we did in class. It helped me see what I had and what I should include. When I used the highlighters in my first draft, I realized that I did not have enough quotes and evidence from our course readings but I did notice that most of paragraph included a lot of language that had a lot to with my thesis so I knew that my paper made sense. I wrote my paper probably about 3 times and I felt like each time I tried another draft, the easier ideas flowed with me. I do think that Pb1A helped me with this assignment a lot because it helped me understand genre better than i did before. Also the article on First and Second order thinking really helped me out because I learned that when I just keep writing and organize at the end, I formulate a better well thought out paper. I feel as though I can apply both of these things that I learned within PB1A and Two kinds of thinking with my other classes currently, and in the future. I was beyond relieved when I finished my first writing project. I was so happy because then I was able to give my brain a break because I was literally like a deer in headlight when I first started writing it. I’m glad these thlogs can be written with first-order thinking because I’m sure this post is all over the place with just random thoughts about Wp1. Maybe I will revisit and help it make some more sense lol.

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