Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thlog #2

So  with septa being on strike last week, I had a hard time making it to school. I felt like I was so far behind because I was sure that I missed a whole lot. When I came back Zack informed me that I was little behind but I could definitely catch. On Wednesday we talked a lot about hedging. This concepts always made sense to me because I feel like making huge generalizations sometimes does not make sense because it isn’t accurate. I hope that I can fully apply this concept to my WP2. I try to incorporate every new writing thingy (lol) that I learn to all recent assignments that i have been giving. On wednesday we also talked about PB2A which i was eternally greatful for. Being as though I missed a few classes I took that time to absorb everything that was said and noted about this assignment. Also I’m happy that a fair amount of my classmates did theirs on time because I got a chance to read over theirs and get an even better understanding of what was expected.. Also I like the fact that I can look back at the lesson plan when I’m at home because I feel like everything that I missed and is going to be there. Or even if I didnt miss class that day, if forgot to take notes on something we talked about, I can find it in the lesson plan. The fact that the second half appears to be slower paced than the first relieves me. But I have no doubt that I will have just as much trouble, if not more, trying to write WP2.

Thlog #1

So unfortunately this is my very first thlog. But I just wanted to talk about how challenging I thought Wp1 was. I had a hard time trying to figure out how I was going to format my paper and things like that. The thing that helped me the most with this paper was the highlighting exercise we did in class. It helped me see what I had and what I should include. When I used the highlighters in my first draft, I realized that I did not have enough quotes and evidence from our course readings but I did notice that most of paragraph included a lot of language that had a lot to with my thesis so I knew that my paper made sense. I wrote my paper probably about 3 times and I felt like each time I tried another draft, the easier ideas flowed with me. I do think that Pb1A helped me with this assignment a lot because it helped me understand genre better than i did before. Also the article on First and Second order thinking really helped me out because I learned that when I just keep writing and organize at the end, I formulate a better well thought out paper. I feel as though I can apply both of these things that I learned within PB1A and Two kinds of thinking with my other classes currently, and in the future. I was beyond relieved when I finished my first writing project. I was so happy because then I was able to give my brain a break because I was literally like a deer in headlight when I first started writing it. I’m glad these thlogs can be written with first-order thinking because I’m sure this post is all over the place with just random thoughts about Wp1. Maybe I will revisit and help it make some more sense lol.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Cantu is a brand of hair products — normally used by “naturalistas” — that has recently become a new phenomenon. Being very into taking care of my natural hair, these are personally my favorite products to use. They promote healthy, strong, lustrous, hair for all different hair types. This meaning, anyone can use these products whether their hair is curly, straight, coiled, etc. Their products range from shampoo to conditioner to deep treatment masques.
The genre that I will be discussing is customer reviews on Cantu products. Customer reviews can be found online, on different websites. This particular genre are written by customers who have had experience with this product. It interacts with other genres such as product descriptions which can be found on the same websites. The issues that this genre may address are if the product works well, or pricing, and things like that. When people write customer reviews, their purpose is to inform future buyers on what they will be purchasing. The reader's view customer reviews to decide if this is the right product for them.
Normally customer reviews are written informally. People don't usually capitalize letters like "I" that should be capitalized. It's more like first-order thinking writing. Inclusive of this genre, previous buyers state their opinion on the Cantu product and describe if the product they used worked for them or not. Usually along with the review people rate the product with stars from one to five, five being the best.
One website that contains this genre is the Cantu Beauty website.  This website is the official site of Cantu where you can order products, read or write customer reviews, and view product descriptions. The reviews on this website are somewhat lengthy. Most of them use plenty of exclamation marks and capital words to emphasize certain words. An example of one of the pieces from this genre is written by krmelkizz and it says, "I am all the way in love!!! I have been transitioning for 11 months and it feels like I have used a little of every kind of product. I first tried the leave in and the oil sheen. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I decided to get the curling cream and do a bantu knot twist out. This is the first time I've had definition like this and it's so moisturized. I am officially hooked for life. thank you!!"
Another website that contains this genre is Walgreen's official site. The customer reviews on here are just as long as the one on Cantu's site. They also use the same punctuation. An example from this is written by an anonymous customer who says, "LOVE LOVE LOVE IT FIRST FOUND THIS BY ACCIDENT WHILE ON VACATION IN FL. LOVED IT SO MUCH. LEAVES MY HAIR SOFT AND CONTROLLABLE. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO CURLY THICK HAIR. GREAT FOR SLICKING HAIR BACK INTO A PONY TAILS. THEN FLAR IRON AT THE END OF THE DAY. LEAVES HAIR REALLY SOFT." As you can see, this person has some typos and aren't very picky about punctuation. 
Lastly Sally's beauty website consists of pieces of the same genre. These reviews are very similar to that of Walgreens and Cantu's. They are long, they state their position on the product and rate it with the stars system.
I think that all of these reviews are very comparable and that none are better than any other. All the reviews almost have all of the same conventions and fulfill their purpose as a genre. Cantu products average a good 4.5 out 5 stars on all three websites! By the looks of it I did a great job choosing my hair care product.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

About me!

      My name is Karimah Robinson and I am eighteen years old. I graduated from Central High (which was terribly difficult). I am the oldest of five children, from my parents separately. I am a dancer and a cheerleader. I have been dancing since age 3 and cheering since age 10. As well as being a cheerleader, I am also a cheer coach. I absolutely love helping my cheerleaders perfect their craft and giving them the opportunity to love such a sport. As far as school goes, I am a psychology major. Psychology is such a broad field so I'm not sure what exactly I want to do.
     I am a very laid back person, very easy to talk to. If anyone sees me walking and I look unapproachable that's just my face, I PROMISE! I am a great listener, non-judgmental, and very caring, anyone who knows me can attest to that. I'm finished writing though, because I feel like I'm tooting my own horn lol.